Award of grant
Team joins University of Galway
Database structure and design
Importation of data from the London Stage Database (LSD)
Cleaning / restructuring of income data from the LSD
Advisory Board Workshop 1
Archive trip to London (Garrick Club, National Archives, Royal Opera House, British Library)
Cleaning / Restructuring of people data from LSD begins
Refining metadata on people identified in LSD
Folger Library commences scanning of account books
Inputting additional people data from account books and A Biographical Dictionary of Actors, Actresses… (BD)
Award of tender for website/data visualization to Fusio/Language
Consolidating people data from LSD, account books and BD
Archive trip to Houghton Library, Harvard University
Launch of project website (Phase 1)
Advisory Board Workshop 2
Design of data visualizations
Inputting account book data commences: (Phase 1) 1770–1809
Refining metadata for Works
Archive trip to Folger Library, Washington D.C.
Design of data visualisations
Inputting account book data, 1770–1809
Inputting account book data, 1770–1809
Draft journal articles
Inputting account book data, (Phase 2) 1732–1770
Draft journal articles
Inputting account book data, 1732–1770
Advisory Board Workshop 3
Draft journal articles
Beta version of DH resources complete
Data checking
Refining of DH resources
Data checking
Launch conference
Submit book proposal for edited collection based on conference
Amendments to DH resources
Develop edited collection