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Any project of this size requires the assistance and guidance of a considerable supporting cast. The collegial collaboration of many people helped secure this funding and continues to make this project possible. Some of the people listed below helped develop the project’s application, others helped get it set up, while others still continue to support it. The team and I owe a big debt to them all.

Maureen Burgess (Trinity College Dublin); Mattie Burkert (University of Oregon); Dan Carey (University of Galway); James Cummings (Newcastle University); Marie-Louise Coolahan (University of Galway); Aileen Douglas (Trinity College Dublin); Lisa Freeman (University of Illinois); Austin Glatthorn (University of Southampton); Jane Grogan (University College Dublin); Barry Houlihan (University of Galway); Robert Jones (University of Leeds); Gary Lupton (University of Galway); Sarah Nangle (Trinity College Dublin); Iwona O’Donoghue (University of Galway); Danny O’Quinn (University of Guelph); Mary Rogan (Trinity College Dublin); Martha Shaughnessy (University of Galway), and Tom Walker (Trinity College Dublin).

The intellectual work of the project is built on and supported by many wonderful scholars of eighteenth-century theatre. It would too fraught with peril to single people out so to this collegial community, I would also like to say a gracious thank you. But I must pay appreciative tribute to Mattie Burkert and her team for the extraordinary work they have done in making the data of The London Stage; 1660–1800 available on open access: simply put, the project would not have been possible without their efforts.

I would like to say a particular thank you to the members of the Advisory Board who played a major role in getting the application up to scratch and who continue to support the work: Christiane Hellmanzik (TU Dortmund); Leslie Ritchie (Queen’s University, Canada); Gillian Russell (University of York, Emerita); and, David Taylor (University of Oxford).

David O’Shaughnessy